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Sirio Silver 90 PL CB Radio Antenna Mag Mount Kit

Sirio Silver 90 PL CB Radio Antenna Mag Mount Kit

  • £41.95
Tax included.

CB Mobile antenna
Tunable from 26.5 to 27.5 MHz
17/7 PH tapered stainless steel whip
suitable for magnetic mount

Type: base loaded
Frequency range: 25.5 - 27.5 MHz

Impedance: 50 í»
Polarization: Linear vertical
Bandwidth @ SWR 2: 124 KHz (110 channel)
SWR @ res. freq.: 1.2
Max. power: 15 Watts (CW) continuous, 150 Watts (CW) short time
Supplied with 90cm magnetic mount with PL Plug fitted

Materials: Brass, Copper, Nylon, Stainless Steel
Height of Antenna (approx.): 890mm
Weight of Antenna (approx.): 190g