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  • £258.95
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Keeps your transceiver operating at full efficiency and performance by eliminating low or marginal voltages in the mobile environment . . . Today's compact 100-watt HF transceivers are designed to operate from about 12-16 volts, with output signal distortion, output power problems, and transceiver reset often occurring when voltage drops below 12 volts. In the mobile environment, low voltage is caused in two ways: First - even low resistance DC wiring can result in a noticeable voltage drop. For a 100-watt transceiver with a 20-amp typical current requirement, just 1/10th of an ohm resistance in your DC cable and connectors results in a 2-volt drop! And second - when you turn your car off, the battery voltage drops from around 13.8 volts to close to 12 volts after a short period of time. Couple this with any voltage drop in the cables, and you have a problem. The MFJ-4416 Super Battery Booster eliminates low voltage problems by boosting input voltages as low as 9 volts up to the desired 13.8 volts at up to 25 amps peak with a typical efficiency of close to 90%. It is compact at just 7 3/4W x 4H x 2 1/8  and lightweight at 1.3 lbs. And the MFJ-4416 Super Battery Booster is designed to be rugged, reliable, and easy to use. MFJ-4416 includes Anderson PowerPole TM connectors and high-current 5-way binding posts for both the DC input and regulated output. An internal 30-amp input fuse protects the unit from excess output current demands. There are also selectable limits on the minimum voltage that the unit will accept: 9-volts, 10-volts (default), and 11-volts. This protects you from over-discharging a battery and possibly damaging it. MFJ-4416 also includes output over-voltage crow-bar protection should regulation be lost. Two additional features offer ways to increase efficiency even more! First, there is an RF sampling port which can be connected to your transceiver's transmission line with an MFJ-7733 UHF-T connector. When this feature is enabled, the MFJ-4416 is bypassed unless RF is sensed so no regulator switching efficiency penalties are incurred during receive. The second efficiency enhancement feature is a user-adjustable output voltage control which lets you set the output voltage anywhere between 12- and 13.8-volts. When setting the output at 12-volts, input voltages greater than 12V will pass through, but the efficiency of the regulator is higher. And lower input voltage means your transceiver will run cooler! Typically save over 30 watts in heat dissipation during transmit, and even 3-4 watts during receive. So it can actually be good to let the voltage sag to 12 volts, then let the MFJ-4116 protect you from lower voltages.