The DELTA-20HP WIRE ANTENNA, full wave loops with a 4:1 balun at the feedpoint enabling 50ohm coax feed and multiband use.
The DELTA-20HP is the same but cut as a full wave on 20m and also to operate on 10m.
The loop comes complete with three insulators to provide anchor points. It may be mounted flat (horizontal) or raised to a vertical or near vertical postion. It may be configured as either a square loop (Quad) or equilateral triangle (Delta).
FULL WAVE DELTA LOOP. Configured as a delta loop or equilateral triangle, if laid flat will be good for near DX. If vertical, or near vertical, will provide low angle radiation which is good for long range DX in the direction of the loop (looking straight on at the front) and near DX off the sides. Gain 3.2dBd.
FULL WAVE QUAD LOOP If laid horizontaly will be good for NVIS, if vertical 2.8dBd gain. Sloping at 45 degrees will provide low angle DX.
All the DELTA range will handle 500W CW or 600W PEP.