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M0CVO 4:1 High Power Balun hf Ham Radio

M0CVO 4:1 High Power Balun hf Ham Radio

  • £29.95
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This power rating is for intermittent amateur (CW or SSB) use and not for AM broadcast or constant carrier data modes. For AM broadcast a much higher power BALUN is required.Complete with strain relief rings. Suitable for all HF frequencies up to and including 50MHz. It is also the same as that used on the Carolina Windom antenna. It will handle up to 400 Watts RF power easily and is used to convert a 200 - 300‘© impedance to the 50‘© required by most transceivers of today. Ideal for use when constructing antennas such as on Off Centre Fed Dipole, Windom or folded dipole. Use this as your feed point and feed with 50‘© coaxial cable.