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CW-80 Radio Works Carolina Windom 80

CW-80 Radio Works Carolina Windom 80

  • £134.95
Tax included.

Carolina Windom (CW-80) * 80 - 10m (Inc WARC) * Gain, low angle: 5 - 10dB * Length: 40.5m (133ft) * Feeder: 50 Ohms * Matching: Balun/Line isolator * Transmatch: Required * SWR: Low * Power: 1.5kW * V Radiator: 6.7m (22ft) * Install: 9m (30ft) above ground
The size of this antenna makes it ideal for many gardens and its DX potential will ad at least an S-point to your signal on most occasions. The secret is in the vertical section which offers excellent low angle radiation. But short-haul contacts will be boosted. As the antenna covers all bands it can be used as the main system and it works equally well as inverted V or sloper. The offset feed system makes the domestic installation that much more convenient.