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CW-620 Radio Works Carolina Windom

CW-620 Radio Works Carolina Windom

  • £124.96
Tax included.

20, 15, 10m plus 17, 12, 6m * Gain, low angle: 5dB
* Length: 10.36m (34ft) * Feeder: 50 Ohms * Matching: Balun/Line isolator * Transmatch: Required * SWR: Low
* Power: 1.5kW * V Radiator: 3m (10ft) * Install: 7.6m (25ft) above ground
With the new Carolina Windom 620 the size comes down to a very easily accommodated 10.36m (34ft) and yet you get excellent 3-band coverage on 20, 15 & 10m and a compromised coverage on 17, 12 & 6m. It has an ideal radiation pattern and an unusually low angle of radiation, making a true backyard DX antenna. The absence of traps and the 1.5kW power rating means you have no chance of damaging the antenna, even with big linears. On all bands above 20m it will leave the G5RV standing! Most internal ATUs will have no trouble in matching this antenna.