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Airspy R2 High Peformance SDR Receiver VHF UHF SHF Satellite

Airspy R2 High Peformance SDR Receiver VHF UHF SHF Satellite

  • £190.00
Tax included.

Airspy R2 sets a new level of performance in the reception of the VHF and UHF bands thanks to its low-IF architecture, high quality ADC and state of the art DSP.

The coverage can be extended to the HF bands via the SpyVerter up-converter companion.

The Airspy R2, like its predecessor is 100% compatible with all the existing software including the de facto scanning standard SDR#, but also a number of popular software defined radio applications such as SDR-Radio, HDSDR, GQRX and GNU Radio.

Typical Applications

  • VHF/UHF/SHF Radio Monitoring

  • Coherent Receiver Array

  • Direction Finding

  • Passive Radar

  • ADS-B, ATC

  • Radio Astronomy

  • Satellite IF

  • Telemetry Radio Receiver

  • Wide Band Scanner

  • Education

  • Ham Radio, etc.