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23cm Flat Panel Antenna 1230-1300

23cm Flat Panel Antenna 1230-1300

  • £79.96
Tax included.

Flat panel antennas consist of one or more radiators in front of a reflector panel. This design leads to very flat and therefore robust and unobtrusive antennas, combined with high gain and high bandwidth. Very useful for packet radio user access or for the local ATV repeater. Our flat panel antennas are made from weatherproof aluminum, all mounting hardware is stainless steel. All antennas can be mounted for horizontal or vertical polarisation and come including mounting bracket.For extreme weather conditions some antennas are provide with a radome (cap), making them ideal for repeaters at remote locations with adverse weather.

Electrical parameters Frequency range 1240 äóñ 1320 MHz

Gain (at center frq.) 12.5 dBi

VSWR 15 dB

Impedance 50

Max input power 50 W

Polarization Linear (V or H)

Mechanical parameters

Cover material White PVC Elements material Copper

Aluminium Holder material Aluminium

Mast clamp 30 - 65 mm

Temperature -30  - +60 ŒÁC

Connector N female

Dimensions 210x210x110 mm

Weight 700 g